Sunday, December 26, 2010

Dell Kace Secure Browser

All I wanted for Christmas was a Secure way to browse the web.

Wait, I already have one... and better, it's Freeware!

I've been using it for a little while, and have been very satisfied with the operation of Kace's Secure Browser (it's essentially a Sandboxed Firefox 3.6 Browser with Adobe Reader and Flash plug-ins). It keeps your computer from getting sick when the occasional teenager decides to hop on your computer and the next thing you hear is "All I did was check my FaceBook Page!"

You can pick it up from Kace's Website Here.

Dustin Shaw

Monday, December 13, 2010

Exchange 2010 AD Prep

When you go to install Microsoft Exchange 2010, you need to prepare your AD first. MS has a good article on how to prepare the schema here.

The essence is that you need to run the following commands. If you want, you can skip 1. and 2. as they will run when you run 3. The advantage of running separately is tracking the changes and replication to your AD.

1. setup /PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions or setup /pl

2. setup /PrepareSchema or setup /ps

3. setup /PrepareAD or setup /p

4. setup /PrepareDomain or setup /pd
You only need to run this on any child domains under the domain you ran 3. on.


Another thing to note is that you MUST have a 64bit box on the domain that you run these commands from.

I ran into a client that didn't have an x64 machine on his parent domain, and was wanting to deploy Exchange 2010 to the separate client domains, but couldn't without loading up a x64 server on his parent domain.

Dustin Shaw

Exchange 2010 Prereq Script

I was looking for an easy way to install all the Prerequisites on a new Exchange 2010 install this last week, and ran across a good script that does it all for you.

The script was written by Dejan Foro over at You can find it here.

He has several variations of the script: one that lets you choose what server roles you are installing, or one that installs all prerequisites needed if you are loading down a box with all Exchange Roles.

It's also got variations for whether you are running Server 2008 SP2 or Server 2008 R2.

It's available in either ISO or ZIP format.

Dustin Shaw